
1.4 (2016-01-21)

  • BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE Dropped support for Python 3.2.
  • Removed the last leftover from Django 1.5 support code.
  • Clarified license in favor of Jazzband members.

1.3 (2015-12-15)

1.2 (2015-05-06)

  • BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE Dropped support for Django 1.6 as it doesn’t receive any security releases anymore.
  • BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE Removed deprecated django_hosts.reverse module as it incorrectly shadowed the django_hosts.resolvers.reverse() function that was added in version 1.0. This is a earlier deprecation than planned, apologies for the inconvenience.
  • Added support for Django 1.8.

1.1 (2015-01-05)

  • Improved handling of allowed hosts by returning the 400 response directly.

1.0 (2014-12-29)

  • BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE Moved django_hosts.reverse.reverse_full to django_hosts.resolvers.reverse() and django_hosts.reverse.reverse_host to django_hosts.resolvers.reverse_host(). This is a cleanup process to easier map Django’s features and normalize the call signatures. The old functions are now pending deprecation and will be removed in the 1.2 release.

  • BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE Dropped support for Django 1.5 as it doesn’t receive any security releases anymore and 1.4 since its very soon going to lose it’s LTS status.

  • Moved repo to

  • Extended testing setup to Python 3.4 and Django 1.7.

  • Optionally allow setting the port per host and using the HOST_PORT setting.

  • Refactored host_url() template tag to closer follow Django’s own url template tag. This includes:

    • the renaming of the on argument to host (on will be removed in the 1.2 release)

    • the use of the Django>1.5 url template tag syntax that requires the view name (and the host name) to be quoted unless it’s meant to be a template context variable


      {% host_url homepage on www %}


      {% host_url 'homepage' host 'www' %}
    • the ability to automatically fallback to the host as defined in the DEFAULT_HOST setting when no host name is passed

    • a new optional scheme parameter to override the resulting URL’s scheme individually

    • a new optional port parameter to override the resulting URL’s port individually

    • a new ability to override Django’s built-in url template tag by setting the HOST_OVERRIDE_URL_TAG setting to True

  • Added reverse_lazy() and reverse_host_lazy() for use in import time situations such as class based views.

  • Split the django_hosts.middleware.HostsMiddleware middleware into two piece to enable the use of the parameter in other middlewares. See the installation instruction for the new setup.

  • Rely on a few more built-ins in Django instead of writing them ourselves.

  • Moved the test suite to use the py.test runner instead of Django’s own test runner.

  • Updated the FAQ to explain how to use Django’s full page caching middleware with Django<1.7 and fixed the entry about the compatibility to the Debug Toolbar.

  • Extended the tests to be close to 100% test coverage.

  • Added tox configuration for easy local tests.

  • Added a few Django 1.7 system checks (for the ROOT_HOSTCONF and DEFAULT_HOST settings).

0.6 (2013-06-17)

  • Support for Django 1.5.x and Python > 3.2.
  • Dropped support for Python 2.5 and Django 1.3.
  • Optionally allow setting the scheme per host instead of only using the HOST_SCHEME setting.

0.5 (2012-08-29)

  • Fixed host reversing when the PARENT_HOST equals
  • Added HOST_SCHEME setting to be able to override the default URL scheme when reversing hosts.

0.4.2 (2012-02-14)

  • Removed a unneeded installation time requirement for Django <= 1.4.
  • Removed the use of versiontools due to unwanted installation time side effects.
  • Refactored tests slightly.

0.4.1 (2011-12-23)

  • Added cached_host_site() callback which stores the matching Site instance in the default cache backend (also see new HOST_SITE_TIMEOUT setting).
  • Throw warning if django-debug-toolbar is used together with the django_hosts and the order of the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting isn’t correct.
  • Added CI server at

0.4 (2011-11-04)

0.3 (2011-09-30)

  • Consolidated reversal internals.
  • Removed unfinished support for the Django Debug Toolbar.
  • Added a custom callback which uses Django’s sites app to retrieve a Site instance matching the current host, setting
  • Extended tests dramatically (100% coverage).
  • Added docs at
  • Stopped preventing the name ‘default’ for hosts.

0.2.1 (2011-05-31)

  • Fixed issue related to the PARENT_HOST setting when used with empty host patterns.
  • Stopped automatically emulating hosts in debug mode.

0.2 (2011-05-31)

  • BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE Renamed the package to django_hosts

    Please change your import from:

    from hosts import patterns, hosts


    from django_hosts import patterns, hosts
  • BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE Changed the data type that the django_hosts.patterns function returns to be a list instead of a SortedDict to follow conventions of Django’s URL patterns. You can use that for easy extension of the patterns, e.g.:

    from django_hosts import patterns, host
    from mytemplateproject.hosts import host_patterns
    host_patterns += patterns('',
        host('www2', 'mysite.urls.www2', name='www2')
  • Extended tests to have full coverage.

  • Fixed prefix handling.

0.1.1 (2011-05-30)

  • Fixed docs issues.
  • Use absolute imports where possible.

0.1 (2011-05-29)

  • Initial release with middleware, reverse and templatetags.