
hosts and patterns

django_hosts.defaults.patterns(prefix, *args)

The function to define the list of hosts (aka host confs), e.g.:

from django_hosts import patterns

host_patterns = patterns('',
    (r'www', 'urls.default', 'default'),
    (r'api', 'urls.api', 'api'),
  • prefix (str) – the URLconf prefix to pass to the host object
  • *args – a list of hosts instances or an iterable thereof
class, urlconf, name, callback=None, prefix='')

The host object used in host conf together with the django_hosts.defaults.patterns() function, e.g.:

from django_hosts import patterns, host

host_patterns = patterns('',
    host(r'www', 'urls.default', name='default'),
    host(r'api', 'urls.api', name='api'),
  • regex (str) – a regular expression to be used to match the request’s host.
  • urlconf (str) – the dotted path of a URLconf module of the host
  • callback (callable or str) – a callable or the dotted path of a callable to be used when matching has happened
  • prefix (str) – the prefix to apply to the urlconf parameter

Adds the prefix string to a string-based urlconf.

Reversal with reverse_host and reverse_full

django_hosts.reverse.reverse_full(host, view, host_args=None, host_kwargs=None, view_args=None, view_kwargs=None)

Given the host and view name and the appropriate parameters, reverses the fully qualified URL, e.g.:

>>> from django.conf import settings
>>> settings.ROOT_HOSTCONF = 'mysite.hosts'
>>> settings.PARENT_HOST = ''
>>> from django_hosts.reverse import reverse_full
>>> reverse_full('www', 'about')
  • host – the name of the host
  • view – the name of the view

the host arguments


the host keyed arguments


the arguments of the view


the keyed arguments of the view

Return type:

fully qualified URL with path

django_hosts.reverse.reverse_host(host, args=None, kwargs=None)

Given the host name and the appropriate parameters, reverses the host, e.g.:

>>> from django.conf import settings
>>> settings.ROOT_HOSTCONF = 'mysite.hosts'
>>> settings.PARENT_HOST = ''
>>> from django_hosts.reverse import reverse_host
>>> reverse_host('with_username', 'jezdez')
Parameters:name – the name of the host as specified in the hostconf
Args:the host arguments to use to find a matching entry in the hostconf
Kwargs:similar to args but key value arguments
Raises django.core.urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch:
 if no host matches
Return type:reversed hostname

HostSiteManager model manager